couch for kids U6

by Sparkel
(Fredonia NY USA)

4-5 year old, U6. If we kick the ball out on other teams side near goal is it a goal kick or a corner kick?? Also if The other team kicks ball out on our side near goal do they have a goal kick or a corner kick? Thanks!

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Aug 02, 2012
Corner vs goal kicks..
by: Coacha Al

4-5 year old, U6. If we kick the ball out on other teams side near goal is it a goal kick or a corner kick?? Also if The other team kicks ball out on our side near goal do they have a goal kick or a corner kick? Thanks!

Hi -

If your team kicks the ball out on the opposing teams end line it is a goal kick for the other team.

Your end line is the line that your goal (the one your protecting sits on)So if the other team attacks and kicks it out on your end line it is a goal kick for your team. If your team kicks it out on your own end line it is a corner kick for opposing team.

Hope this answers your question..thanks for asking!

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