Dropped Punt/re-punt

by Brian
(Elk Grove, CA)

I coach u8 soccer and today I had a lesser-skilled player playing goalie. He stopped a shot, went to punt it, swung and missed and picked it back up on bounce and re-punted. No one was near him. The other team wanted a penalty. What is ruling.

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Oct 27, 2012
Golie re punting
by: Coach Al

I coach u8 soccer and today I had a lesser-skilled player playing goalie. He stopped a shot, went to punt it, swung and missed and picked it back up on bounce and re-punted. No one was near him. The other team wanted a penalty. What is ruling.


He is the Goalie...He can use hands anywhere inside the box in what ever form. He can bounce it kick and pick it back up...even juggle it and bounce it on the ground. No penalty as long as he is inside the box. Only time goalie can't use his hands is when a teammate deliberately passes the ball back to him. Other than this he is free to do what he wants as long as he isn't delaying the game and killing time.

Hope this helps

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